I går var jeg i møte med Centre for the Vicitms of Torture (CVICT). CVICT er den organisasjonen HAMU har samarbeidet lengst med her i Nepal, og de gjør et viktig arbeid for å spre kunnskap om tortur, menneskeverd, mentale lidelser og post-tramuatisk stressyndrom. De siste to årene har HAMU finansiert et behandlingstilbud for kvinnelige torturofre. Poenget med å lage et eget tilbud for kvinner er at de har vanskeligere for å oppsøke hjelp enn menn, det er problematisk for dem å reise aleine, og de mangler et trygt sted å bo mens de mottar behandling. Det er kun et sykehus som behandler mentale lidelser i hele Nepal, og kunnskapen blant leger flest om mentale lidelser er begrenset. De fleste ender opp med å skrive ut smertestillende midler til kvinner som egentlig lider av angst, depresjon, post-traumatisk stress og schizofreni. Som nevnt i et tidligere blogginnlegg er selvmord vanligst dødsårsak blant kvinner i aldersgruppen 15-49 år her i Nepal. Under følger et eksempel på hva slags case CVICT behandler. Når du leser historier som den under kan du begynne å forstå hvorfor så mange velger å ta livet sitt, og også viktigheten av tilbud som det til CVICT.
A 27 year old woman who was raped and tortured by the police as a 13 year old girl by being accused of supporting Maoists.
A traumatic history of rape, constant beating, water-boarding and use of sticks to force chili/ salt in her genital area.
The first time she came to our centre, she cried for hours telling her story and the problems she has now. She says that she felt relieved on that day and ever since she starting coming to our centre.
Diagnosed as having post traumatic stress disorder with severe constipation and piles.
She was treated for all her conditions using various psychotherapies, psychiatric support, surgical consultation, emotional support etc.
She was seen first in January 2011. She now sleeps well, has no nightmares and flashbacks, does not fear the police and has no constipation and no blood in stools.
She plans to have a child once she is off the required therapies and medications.
Impact: Better health, started studying, married, family acceptance, job offer from FM radios.
Indirect impacts: Referred victims of torture to CVICT, educated other victims that their problems can be solved if they receive the right kind of help, according to her she has learnt how to provide emotional support to other victims.
“If I hadn’t come to your centre, I would have lived in fear all my life’
I følge terapeuten som behandlet henne ble hun holdt i fangenskap og torturert i ca. 6 måneder! Som 13-åring! Helt forjævlig....
A 27 year old woman who was raped and tortured by the police as a 13 year old girl by being accused of supporting Maoists.
A traumatic history of rape, constant beating, water-boarding and use of sticks to force chili/ salt in her genital area.
The first time she came to our centre, she cried for hours telling her story and the problems she has now. She says that she felt relieved on that day and ever since she starting coming to our centre.
Diagnosed as having post traumatic stress disorder with severe constipation and piles.
She was treated for all her conditions using various psychotherapies, psychiatric support, surgical consultation, emotional support etc.
She was seen first in January 2011. She now sleeps well, has no nightmares and flashbacks, does not fear the police and has no constipation and no blood in stools.
She plans to have a child once she is off the required therapies and medications.
Impact: Better health, started studying, married, family acceptance, job offer from FM radios.
Indirect impacts: Referred victims of torture to CVICT, educated other victims that their problems can be solved if they receive the right kind of help, according to her she has learnt how to provide emotional support to other victims.
“If I hadn’t come to your centre, I would have lived in fear all my life’
I følge terapeuten som behandlet henne ble hun holdt i fangenskap og torturert i ca. 6 måneder! Som 13-åring! Helt forjævlig....
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